Bentronix began operation in 1984 incorporated in Huntsburg, OH by Peteris (Peter) Bennins & his wife Ludmilla (Millie) Benins. Our origin was based on the need of local industry for industrial instrumentation for their production machines. Over the years we have been distributors for many instrument manufactures, and retrofitted many instruments in machines for the local plastic, rubber, and assorted manufacturing companies. A natural progression of the instrumentation and control industry lead us to assist customers with replacement of old discrete controls. Many of our retrofits included the introduction of PLC control systems as well as installing data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Bentronix is now owned and operated by Brian Lanstrum and his wife Christine (Chris) Lanstrum.
Business Practices:
Our most important business practice is trust. We have had many of our customers since the very beginning. We look forward to providing the quality of service they deserve for many years to come. We also encourage people to get involved with local causes, and we assist with them when we can. We have helped the local schools, 4H, and Grange leadership activities. We have also supported local families and assisted with other fundraisers. We are also a members of the Middlefield Chamber of Commerce.